Our Story

At TrackIT ServicesTM, our mission is to support music industry creatives by removing the barriers to artistic success. With streamlined management, timely billing, and trustworthy community building, we’re here to reframe what’s possible for our artists.

If you’ve been in the music industry for any amount of time, you may have found yourself thinking there has to be a better way. Even as artists and creatives work their tails off and bare their souls to produce high-quality work, they still find themselves caught up in a stressful web of sourcing and vetting collaborators and tracking down late payments.

At TrackIT ServicesTM, we believe that all industry creatives should be paid their worth and paid on time. Transparent payment processes cultivate the ideal work environment with support, trust, and integrity.

Through our own journey, we also know that this industry is built on healthy, successful relationships. That’s why we nurture and connect communities of professionals with different skill sets who all work together to create optimal recording sessions.

From engineers, to studios, to labels, we take pride in facilitating collaboration and ensuring timely payments for all parties. Keep your business relationships intact with clean and clear expectations.


“TrackIT ServicesTM has helped me build not only a stable, but prosperous career on an otherwise nebulous path. TrackIT ServicesTM facilitates the process through attentive invoicing and thorough negotiation. Whether a small business or a multi-million dollar production company, I know I find confidence in my abilities to navigate an ever-changing landscape made possible through their managerial prowess.”

— Will Lovely, Audio Engineer,