Quality labels at the right rate

Getting the most out of every session doesn’t need to be a headache. TrackIT ServicesTM matches you with the ideal labels, engineers, and creatives to make each session shine.

Our roster consists of a vetted, reliable community of professionals, ensuring your studio retains top-notch talent and a positive environment. We’ll always work within your budget to supply you with exceptional collaborators while keeping you out of the red.

A paid staff is a happy staff

Net 30s and unpaid invoices can lead to disgruntled staff and a less-than-ideal working environment. Save morale with the fastest turnaround in the industry. TrackIT ServicesTM pays all label sessions within 1-5 business days to keep your hard-working collaborators paid and happy.

No more Net 30s and no more dissatisfied staffers.

Play host without worrying about irresponsible guests

Hosting sessions should be a welcoming experience — but too often they turn into stressful nightmares when labels are slow to pay. TrackIT ServicesTM acts as a liaison between you and your labels to make sure sessions go smoothly and bills are paid on time. Just as we ensure your staff receives payment in 1-5 business days, we also give you the same turnaround.

With guaranteed cash flow, your studio can focus on relationships and experiences, not uncollected funds.

Expand your business with our affiliate program

The music business works best in harmony. Add your studio to our affiliate list and we’ll bring labels straight to your door for a 10% referral fee.

Become an Afiliate

Partner with TrackIT ServicesTM

We manage the nitty-gritty of sessions so that you don’t have to. With TrackIT ServicesTM handling the logistics, you can rest easy knowing that expectations are clear and all payments are accounted for.

Contact us today

Studios we’ve partnered with:

Register for TrackIT
  • Chalice Recording Studios
  • LoKey Studio
  • 5 Star Production Studio
  • Madison Recording Studio
  • Means Street Studio
  • Triangle Sound Studio
  • Tree Sound Studio

and more…